Turns out Pujols Really Is A Dick

So all the claims I made earlier that Albert Pujols is not a dick turned out to not be true. According to newsday.com:
"I see it this way: Someone who doesn't take his team to the playoffs doesn't deserve to win the MVP," Pujols said in Spanish at a news conference organized by the Dominican Republic's sports ministry.And then there's this bit of immaturity, courtesy of Diario Libre:
"Sé que fue doloroso (lo de) el premio MVP porque yo creo que tuve mejores numeritos que él (Ryan Howard), pero esas son cosas que pasan", dijo Pujols ayer en conferencia de prensa celebrada en la Secretaría de Estado de Deportes. "Dije el año pasado que si podía cambiar el premio por el anillo de la Serie Mundial lo haría de una vez, que no lo pensaba dos veces y ese fue el cambio que hice".Hope you have Babel Fish or something.
Yes, Albert, you should have won the MVP. But no, it's not because your crappy-ass team made the playoffs. I mean, I can't begin to talk about how wrong that is. Readers of this blog know that I don't believe a team's performance should affect the MVP race, so that's one thing. But Albert, Albert, if you're going to argue that a deserving MVP candidate must be from a playoff team, don't use your own as an example against Ryan Howard, whose team finished two games ahead of yours in a better division.
As to the second point, if you really, honestly cared more about winning a World Series than the MVP, then I doubt you'd be bringing it up, pissed off, to the Dominican Media at this point. I still think you should have won it, but grow the **** up.
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